Sunday, September 23, 2007

First presentation over!

The feedback was pretty good - intrigued reactions from both younger audience members who remembered nothing from the 80s as well as older audience members who'd lived through the history (and in some cases, made it). Multimedia kids loved the way you could see Ka Fai and Zul operating the equipment throughout; tech guys liked the compressed space and the set of winding wired pipes that Torrance had created; others enjoyed the sheer noise and violence of Zul's sound art and my garbled monologue and Joavien's dance, and the desperation and craft of Pat's acting - I think we're a good team. Of course, some people grounded in conventional theatre weren't too thrilled with its lack of cohesion and direction of a specific message - but that's not what we were aiming for with a first presentation of ideas.

Looking forward to our next set of workshops in early October. In the meantime, here's a few shots of Joavien, me and Patricia (taken with PhotoBooth under awful lighting conditions):

And a shot of the audience during talkbacks:

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